Instant Success Tips to Get Paid Taking Surveys

Instant Success Tips to Get Paid Taking Surveys

Instant Success Tips to Get Paid Taking Surveys
By Mark Pierce

Most people think that just signing up with a survey company is all you need to do. However there are a couple of screening questions right off the bat that you will be asked prior to be invited to or emailed surveys from corporations that I feel you will want to know firsthand. This way you have better odds in your favor to increase your chances of having online survey companies contact you to participate in their particular survey questionnaires.

Do you need to have a particular profile?

***Guaranteed most all survey screening companies will start your screening by asking you if you are employed by or work for or in any type of market research organization, or any kind of advertising agencies or have any kind of occupation relating to that particular type of industry. Your answer is going to be the deciding factor on whether or not you get chosen to participate in their paid online surveys, and for that reason alone your answer should always be no.

*Another huge myth regarding on how to get paid taking surveys is that most people think that when they sign up to a survey site that the survey site is going to bombard them with a gazillion surveys for them to fill out and easily get paid from them. The fact of the matter is, is that these survey sites are only going to send you a few paid surveys to fill out each month.

Now I realize that, that's not what you most likely wanted to hear but do not get discouraged. Yes it's true that if you filled out all the paid surveys from a particular company and even if you were being paid top dollar per survey the fact of the matter still remains that you would not be able to achieve a full time income from this one source...

So what do you do?

*The key to really amassing a good income and to get paid taking surveys online is to make sure you sign up with a lot of different survey sites and organizations so you can really bulk up on the amount of surveys you are going to receive for any giving month. So obviously the more paid survey companies you are engaged with the more surveys you will be invited to participate in and the more income you can achieve.

There are a couple of different ways of doing this so I will point them out for you here...

1) You go to your favorite search engine tool whether it's Google, Yahoo, MSN or whatever and you start searching for legitimate market research companies that will send you surveys to fill out that they conduct for bigger corporations that want to find out what the general public feels about their products.

Now that is all good but...

That can lead you down the wrong path and what you do not want is to get caught up in a company that strings you along when in fact they really only intended to get your name and email address or other pertinent information about you to sell to a lead farm generation type company. Now that they have your information they can just recycle your name all over the internet and then you start receiving spam from everyone and their brother.

So what are your alternatives?

2)  You definitely want to do your due diligence when it comes to finding legitimate sites to get paid taking surveys from so my recommendation would be to sign up with a company that has a membership style program. These types of companies are usually around $35.00 to $39.00 dollars a year (annually).

The advantages to using this type of company...

The number one advantage is your usually protected from the fraudulent type sites but even more appealing than that although that is extremely important, is they have HUGE databases of REAL survey sites and market research companies and one of the huge advantages to this is that they are constantly  informed and updated of any new opportunities that become available for their members. So you get first crack at all the newest paid surveys as they become available.

***Plus within their databases are all the legitimate survey sites you want to be associated with. You will have access to all of them through your membership! This totally simplifies the sign up process so you can sign up with as many sites within their database which in return will get you earning faster and smarter with real market research firms and survey sites and will greatly increase your chances for you to get paid taking surveys. 

With many years getting paid taking surveys online, Mark and Anita Pierce know the in's and out's of what you should expect and what you should be extremely aware of from online survey sites. If you would like to know more about the resources they recommend and use themselves you can visit their site right here: Paid For Taking Surveys [] You need not go it alone, rely on their expert advice!

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